Zeus vs poseidon
Zeus vs poseidon

zeus vs poseidon

Im pretty sure he didn't forget that day, so he would be a little paranoid. The gods attempted to overthrow him sometime before the Trojan War, and they almost succeeded until he was freed by Briares when The other gods argued about who will replace him, and then he punished them. Not in this universe, zeus constantly makes stupid decisions that all the other gods notice, the civil war, removing all defense from olympus bar the wind spirits, refusing athena, preventing gods from interfering, frequently demi gods note how thick zeus is likely due to being so certain he is superior yet so worried he will be overthrone like kronos or ourannus. That being said, Zeus is the smarter and wiser of the two. Poseidon was known to be a very angry god, constantly arguing with other gods over patronship of cities, and was as tempermental as the sea itself. Homer describes him as "the highest and the wisest' and he even gave birth to the goddess of wisdom from his mind. Zeus is described, along with Athena, as the wisest god. Zeus does have an upperhand though given his powers are more suited to combat but poseidon does have a tridant weapon.

zeus vs poseidon zeus vs poseidon

So back to Zeus and Poseidon if it was just those two i think they would be equally matched, they are both very powerful and zeus is weaker than he used to be as proved by the essential need for poseidon to beat typhoon, Zeus is a lot stupider than poseidon (mainly due to his arrogance) which is in poseidons favour, the only issue is weather being god of the sea would make you more vulnerable to lightning but since there is no situation where this happens nor is it ever mentioned as being a possibility i doubt there is an issue. If you want to be appeased wait for the next book hopefully they fight. This really should be the last of the Percy and Jason nonsense. So grow up and accept that Percy is the most powerful demigod known to existence even Nico said this in the Mark of Athena. Kronos wanted Percy alive on his side or dead in the underworld. Percy is the reason that Kronos got defeated. No offence but maybe you should actually read the great prophecy from Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Also Percy assisted no was the very reason Kronos was defeated in the first place.

#Zeus vs poseidon full

Jason defeated the weakest titan in full or near full power. Percy defeated a titan with a badly injured arm. Jason is anything more useless than Nico or Percy (not saying Percy and Nico are useless). How would you like it if one of your best friends admitted he was gay for you? Jason could handle that because he was not the one being liked in that situation. 8th hero of Olympus and everyone else who gives a shatner over Percy or Jason including me.

Zeus vs poseidon